Immigrants And Refugees
Public Statement

Monsignor Kevin Sullivan Heralds World Day of Migrants & Refugees

Monsignor Kevin Sullivan speaks to the public. Credit: Catholic Charities New York

The current state the world with more than 110 million refugees and displaced individuals, can make the biblical mandate to “welcome the stranger” seem an unreal expectation: Both the Old and New Testaments raises up migrants as warranting humane inclusion, and issues ominous warnings to those who would mistreat or shun the foreigner in our midst. Yet, with eyes wide open to the obstacles, there is no acceptable choice for our nation and Church other than to recommit to welcoming and integrating newcomers. Language and culture can make receiving newcomers into our schools, businesses, Churches, and neighborhoods daunting. Yet for the sake of our common future, locally and nationally, the reward for successfully tackling this task can be immense. From the days of the Mayflower in the 17th century, through the European exodus of the late 19th and early 20th centuries up to the flight from of the South in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, this nation has thrived on the hoped talent and industriousness of immigrants to the United States. May this also be our future as a nation and as communities of faith.