A Letter from His Eminence, Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan
Dear Friends of Catholic Charities:
Wherever I go in New York, I run into the good that Catholic Charities does. Whether I’m in New York City or the Hudson Valley, I’m awed not so much by the magnitude of Catholic Charities but by the personal, individual service it provides.
I see a person’s dignity enhanced where everyone is called by name, where they are welcomed and treated with love and respect as members of God’s family. We’ve been doing this in the Archdiocese of New York since day one.
This is a vibrant family of close to 90 agencies, each with their distinctive charms, history and programs, yet united by common values — most fundamentally that each person is made in the image of God and saved by Jesus Christ, His Son. We have a glorious past and we’re looking to the future to continue to strive to find even better ways of providing help that creates hope in human lives. Our faith and our mission require no less.
I ask you to join us, to support Catholic Charities and all the good that it does, so that together in this community that we love we can make sure there is a place at the table for those who have nowhere else to go.
Faithfully in Christ,
Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan
Archbishop of New York
Executive Director, Monsignor Kevin Sullivan
Monsignor Kevin Sullivan has been the Executive Director of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York since 2001. His first major task was coordinating the human services response to the families and victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack as Chair of the 9/11 United Services Group. Currently, under the leadership of the Board of Trustees, Msgr. Sullivan is directing Catholic Charities Centennial 2017 Initiatives; including a Five-Year $100 Million fundraising campaign.
Previously, Monsignor Sullivan served as Chief Operating Officer for five years, and in other leadership positions for more than 17 years. He represents Catholic Charities agencies in public policy discussions about issues such as immigration, job development, housing and homeless services, youth development, preventive services, and foster care.
Catholic Charities is a federation of more than 90 human service agencies that provide help and create hope for hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers in need – non-Catholic and Catholic alike – throughout the 10 counties of the New York metropolitan area. Monsignor Sullivan served as a member of the New York City Council Speaker’s Commission on Homelessness, the Public Policy Committee of the New York State Catholic Conference, and has provided expert testimony about human service issues before Congressional committees. He served as a member of the NYC Mayor’s Commission for Economic Opportunity, as well as the Governor’s Human Services Policy Transition Advisory Committee. He is also a member of the Board of Catholic Charities USA and serves on their Social Policy Committee.
Monsignor Sullivan served as Co-Chair of Mayor de Blasio’s Human Services Transition Committee. He is on the Policy and Strategy Committee of the NY Human Services Council and Chairs its Disaster Preparedness Division.
Monsignor Sullivan hosts JustLove, a weekly radio show broadcast nationally on SiriusXM satellite radio on topics of public policy, and civic and community engagement.
During the 1970s and 1980s, Monsignor Sullivan served as a parish priest at St. Elizabeth’s Church in Washington Heights. He co-founded the Washington Heights-Inwood Coalition and the Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation, two neighborhood development organizations. He was a board member of many healthcare organizations including St. Vincent’s Hospital and Medical Center, Terence Cardinal Cooke Health Care Center, the Carmel Richmond Housing Corporation and the St. Vincent de Paul Residence. During the 1990s, he served as Co-Chair of the Partnership for the Homeless.
Monsignor Sullivan received a Masters Degree in Public Administration at the School of International and Public Affairs of Columbia University, and a Doctorate in Public Administration at New York University. He graduated cum laude from Cathedral College of the Immaculate Conception. He has taught in graduate programs at the Mendoza College of Business of the University of Notre Dame where he was a consultant to the dean for the revision of its Masters program in non-profit management. He has taught at New York University and the Robert J. Milano Graduate School of Management and Urban Policy of the New School University. Monsignor Sullivan’s doctoral dissertation on assessing non-profit effectiveness was submitted by the New York University faculty for national competition.
Monsignor Sullivan was born in the Bronx and raised in Yonkers. He studied for the priesthood at St. Joseph’s Seminary, was ordained in 1976 by Terence Cardinal Cooke, and named Monsignor by John Cardinal O’Connor in 1999.
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Senior Management
Msgr. Kevin Sullivan, Ph.D
Executive Director
Kelly Agnew-Barajas, MSW
Co-Director Immigrant and Refugee Services Division
Marion D. Boteju, MPH, MPA
Corporate Secretary and Chief of Staff
Reverend Eric Cruz, MPA
Catholic Charities Director of Bronx Services
Philip Dorian, MBA
Senior Director for Federation Advancement
Neil P. Flynn
Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer
Joy Jasper, MS
Director, Human Resources, Catholic Charities Community Services
Andrea Jordan
Deputy Executive Director for Programs
Sheila Lennon
Senior Director, Development & Marketing
Talia Bernal Lockspeiser, MSW
Associate Executive Director
Margaret Martin, JD
Co-Director Immigrant and Refugee Services Division
Lakisha Morris
COS Director of Operations, Community Outreach Services, Catholic Charities Community Services
Harold Moss, LMSW, MA
Director, Beacon of Hope, Catholic Charities Community Services
Peggy O’Neill
Chief Advancement Officer
Seth Peloso. M. Ed.
Director of Catholic Youth Organization
Kerry Price
Deputy Executive Director for Operations
Aarian R. Punter, MS, LCSW
Director, Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Memorial Community Center, Catholic Charities Community Services
Eddie Silverio
Director, Youth Services, Catholic Charities Community Services
Beatriz Diaz Taveras, MBA
Executive Director, Catholic Charities Community Services