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Serving the Needs of Others Since 1917

Catholic Charities helps solve the problems of New Yorkers in need, non-Catholics and Catholics alike. The neglected child, the homeless family, the immigrant and refugee, the person with special needs, and the hungry senior are among those for whom we provide help and create hope – with compassion and respect.

In a powerful demonstration of resilience and determination, a delegation of 70 Ukrainian mayors and business leaders recently visited the United States, seeking partnerships and support for their communities affected by war. This historic gathering, hosted by Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of New York, during the high-profile United...
Catholic Charities is proud of our partnerships in the mission of providing help and creating hope for our vulnerable neighbors.    One year after October 7, 2023, in the midst of the Jewish high holy days, our prayers, thoughts and solidarity remain with our Jewish neighbors with whom...
Reflecting on the impactful summer of 2024, Catholic Charities of New York highlights achievements in preventing homelessness, providing shelter, and developing affordable housing. Discover how your support has transformed lives and learn about our future initiatives to deepen our community impact.


A radio program hosted by Monsignor Kevin Sullivan

RSS Kevin Sullivan's

  • Exploring Life and Faith: Insights on Respect Life Sunday and Cultural Heritage October 5, 2024
    On this episode of Just Love, we commemorate “Respect Life Sunday,” as Monsignor Kevin Sullivan speaks with the Honorable Marilyn Musgrave, Vice President of Government Affairs at Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America and former Congresswoman from Colorado. They delve into the current state of the pro-life movement in the U.S. two years after the Dobbs […]

Tune in weekly on Sirius XM Channel 129


Aleth Felix Tchicaya: Building a home and a dream
I helped the homeless, and then I lost my home. But this is a plan of God. I have faith that everything will be okay, and Madeline believes in me.