Immigrants And Refugees

Honoring the Legendary: Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick. Credit: Nheyob via Wiki Commons

Saint Patrick is, of course, first and foremost a legendary figure. Much of what is recounted of his life is unverifiable.

What is truly verifiable are two simple truths of Saint Patrick’s life. First, he was brutally kidnapped from his home and sold into slavery, and second, he returned to the land of his oppressors to bring the good news to them.

In these two truths, we find the essence of the story of Saint Patrick. By forgiving his oppressors, he showed the power of love to future generations, as he conquered Ireland more surely and permanently than the legions of soldiers who succeeded him.

Today, we are called to sustain that love that conquered all. I am grateful to Catholic Charities of New York for providing a vehicle through which we can emulate Saint Patrick in showing our love for those far less fortunate.

The ministry of Catholic Charities of New York is to provide food, shelter, and guidance to the impoverished of New York in a loving and efficient way.

As we celebrate the feast day of Ireland and the Archdiocese of New York, I look to the example of Saint Patrick and remember to give thanks for all that has been granted to me and my family, and resolve in the spirit of our Patron Saint to help those that are in desperate need of our help.

I leave you with a blessing from Saint Patrick:

May the strength of God pilot us. May the wisdom of God instruct us. May the hand of God protect us, may the word of God direct us. May thy Salvation, O Lord, be always ours this day and for evermore. Amen.

With gratitude,
Brian O’Dwyer
President, The Charles Lawrence Keith and Clara Miller Foundation

See also:   Food