On February 8th, at the Church of Our Saviour in Midtown Manhattan, a dynamic group of young professionals gathered for an inspiring evening titled “The Journey From Homelessness to Home,” organized by Catholic Charities of New York’s Junior Board. This event was held to raise awareness of the challenges so many people face in New York City with homelessness and affordable housing and to provide insights into the array of housing support services available here in New York City.
Too many of our brothers and sisters are without homes.
Several agencies within the Catholic Charities network participated in a unique speed dating model where participants moved from table to table gathering information and learning about the spectrum of services designed to assist the homeless in New York City in accessing affordable housing. Attendees had the opportunity to learn about the pathway for individuals to transition from homelessness to housing. The atmosphere was vibrant, the discussions were engaging, and, most importantly, it was an educational experience for all involved.
“Tonight is all about giving young professionals an opportunity to learn about some of the agencies and services that Catholic Charities provides, specifically related to homelessness and helping people find new homes,” said Sarah Trillo, the Chair of Catholic Charities Junior Board.
By fostering a deeper understanding of these services, Catholic Charities of New York is investing in our Junior Board’s knowledge to become the future leaders of tomorrow. Participants were encouraged to engage in discussions, ask questions, and gain insights to empower themselves with knowledge about how our network of agencies operate in 5 sections of the continuum of services: Street Homelessness, Shelter, Supportive Housing, Affordable Housing, and Housing Stabilization.
“Too many of our brothers and sisters are without homes,” said Monsignor Kevin Sullivan, the Executive Director of the Catholic Charities of New Year. Monsignor emphasized the importance “of raising awareness of the challenges people face.”
From affordable housing initiatives to eviction prevention benefits, shelters for runaway youth, life skills empowerment programs, and supportive housing for those with disabilities or mental health challenges, the event provided a comprehensive overview of the services available. Attendees gained a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the homeless and the impactful solutions these organizations offer. This was a unique chance to ask questions, share experiences, and be part of a supportive community dedicated to making a positive impact. The event included organizations that are part of Catholic Charities New York’s direct network, as well as other organizations in New York committed to the cause, each playing a vital role in addressing the multifaceted needs of the homeless population in the city.
Participants included:
Catholic Charities Community Services Homebase
Catholic Charities of Rockland
Let’s stand together and empower ourselves to contribute to positive change in the heart of New York City. You too can be part of this community striving for a better, more compassionate future. Join us in making a difference.
Become a volunteer with Catholic Charities and make a positive difference in your local community.
Learn more and connect with the Junior Board for volunteer opportunities with one of the organizations who participated in the event.