Vivian Buitron will be among the 13 participants supporting Catholic Charities who will run in the 2021 TCS New York City Marathon Nov. 7. She will run in support of the St. Nicholas Project, a Catholic Charities of New York Christmas season program that provides over a thousand New York families with warm winter essentials.
Vivian was born and raised in Callao, the principal port near Lima, Peru. Her fondest memories are of her grandparents taking her to the beach every weekend. To this day, when she hears the ocean waves it brings back beautiful memories from that time. When she was young Vivian’s parents gave her the opportunity to run her own business. This helped her learn important business strategies and helped her develop her passion for helping people in need.
Vivian is honored to run on behalf of Catholic Charities in the TCS NYC Marathon. She joined Catholic Charities’ Office of New Americans English and Citizenship class in the Fall of 2020. On March 2, 2021 she was granted U.S. citizenship. Vivian, now an employee of the organization, also saw first-hand the way the organization helped support people in need throughout the pandemic. She is thankful to all the people who work throughout the Archdiocese of New York as they continue to work with patience, love and vocation to help Catholics and non-Catholics alike. She is proud to be part of an institution who is helping with compassion and love and looks forward to continuing her support of this important work.