Immigrants And Refugees
Public Statement

Catholic Charities Accompanies Immigrants

At this moment, Catholic Charities reaffirms and strengthens our long tradition of standing in solidarity with immigrants who have come to make their new home in New York. Our Catholic parishes and schools, for more than a century, have welcomed those fleeing persecution, poverty, and cruelty in their native countries. Our humanitarian assistance and protection of immigrants is rooted in our Catholic gospel values—foremost that every person is made in God’s image—and thus, we serve people of all ethnicities from every region of the globe, regardless of their religion. Our work is not partisan, political, nor ideological.   

Cardinal Dolan has often reiterated that both Lady Liberty and Mother Church are welcoming beacons for immigrants. In an Advent Christmas column, he wrote:   

“No wonder we followers of that baby born in Bethlehem have always been committed to welcoming immigrants and refugees…. So strongly did He advocate for them that He would tell us that, when we stand before Him on Judgment Day, He would decide our eternal fate by the answer we would give to His question, ‘When I was a stranger, did you welcome me?’… This is why I worry as a pastor when I hear of animosity and suspicion against our newcomers. Unfortunately, it’s far too rampant today, I fear. It’s a cloud dulling the Christmas star.”

Catholic Charities has long provided help, protection, and representation for those seeking to become part of and contribute to the vitality of New York. We have assisted immigrants and refugees from the most devastated and suffering regions of the world, including Ukraine, Afghanistan, the Middle East, West Africa, Central and South America, the Caribbean as well as South and Southeast Asia. We are proud to be in a city that has welcomed and provided for more than 225,000 asylum seekers in the past two years.

Catholic Charities does not ignore the present reality. We recognize the right of our nation to control its borders and share the frustration of many with a broken system. Catholic Charities has long joined with the Catholic Bishops of the United States, and others, in advocating for effective and comprehensive reform of our immigration system to secure our borders and provide for generous and fair legal immigration processes. We lament our nation’s inability, through multiple administrations, for partisan political reasons, to do so.

However, certain proposed policies and anticipated actions are unacceptable and not in accord with our Catholic values, nor with the best values of our nation. Separating children from their parents in mixed-status families is deeply troublesome. Threats of ‘shock and awe’ to create fear and anxiety do not accord with our belief in the dignity and sanctity of the human person. Mass deportations and raids that indiscriminately round up and detain immigrants are neither good public policy nor good morality.

Our rightful alarm includes the recognition that a small number of immigrants engage in actions that seriously violate our laws and prey on their neighbors. They should be held responsible and pay the price for their criminal actions. They should not enjoy the welcome we readily extend to other immigrants who abide by our laws and make positive contributions to our city.  

In standing with New York’s immigrant and refugee communities, Catholic Charities commits to doing all we humanly can. We also raise a fervent prayer for God’s help and providence to strengthen our resolve and to watch over those of our neighbors who are most vulnerable in these times.